
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Final Year Project (Proposal)

This semester, i've been very busy b'coz i've FYP to carry on 4 1year=2semester...
It is very tough 4 me since my FYP is about something i've never studied b4...
Financial Math....This is the field 4 my FYP...
It have been narrow down by my supervisor to make a research under sukuk @ Islamic bond....
Something that i've never care b4....

The topic is quite interesting to me...but it is very2 hard to understand it...
Imagine it...i'm only have journal and all da information that i got from the internet...
I'm taking too many time....very2 long period to understand what is sukuk all about....
Although it is very hard to me...but i'm try my very best till da end...
My sv alwaiz tell me that my progress in completing my task is too slow compared wit other friend....but she alwaiz encourage me since I alwaiz come out wit new info that I search through the internet.

1 day I went to all banks around Shah Alam city...very tired but I've got nothing....only the contact number, email etc.
But no one from all of those people reply my email...I don't know why??
Only 1 guy from SC replied 2 me and give the data 4 sukuk issuance in Malaysia....

Next monday is the day me & all my friend need 2 present our proposal.....I'm not mentally prepared b'coz I not really know what i've done in da this semester...
I'm scare 2 face Q&A session...What should I answer??OH NO!!!
Wit too much personal probs & also too much focus on my FYP,I think I was ignored other subject a bit...

1 month left...The result 4 this semester will come out....I really don't want 2 see it...but I already try my best...Thank 2 all my frenz that alwaiz help & support behind me...
Alwaiz be wit me when I'm in trouble..when I sad...I really2 appreciate it....
I'm really thankful that I got nice friends...very2 good friends....they lend me their shoulder 4 me 2 cry.....TQVM...especially to Suriani, Asnanuddin, Abdul Salam, Azeyati, Shahirah, Latifah, Diana & others........

I've become more strong b'coz all of u...minna san...arigatou goizamas..........

Next semester, I must carry on wit the FYP (project)...Need to make research in company....I wonder if they will give me da info I'm need....I hope so........Neways, I should not give up...


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